University of North Dakota ranked first, followed by Minot State University and North Dakota State University-Main Campus in North Dakota Best Colleges. (The ranking data is provided by College Evaluator.) Only 3 schools are public and the other 1 schools are private colleges in North Dakota Best Colleges. The average tuition & fees of North Dakota Best Colleges is $8,306 for North Dakota residents and $14,915 for out-of-state students and the average acceptance rate is 75.75%.
Of these North Dakota Best Colleges, 3 schools offer Doctorate degree, 4 schools offer Master' degree, 4 schools offer Bachelor's degree, and 1 schools offer Associate degree programs. University of North Dakota has the highest tuition & fees with $20,759 and Minot State University has the lowest tuition & fees with $7,064 among North Dakota Best Colleges. Minot State University is the tightest school to admit with 50% acceptance rate and North Dakota State University-Main Campus has the highest (easiest to get in) acceptance rate (93%). University of North Dakota is the largest school with total 14,406 students and Minot State University is the smallest school with 3,216 students.
You can compare the schools at North Dakota Best Colleges comparison page with comprehensive information including admission, SAT/ACT scores, tuition, and more academic statistics.
#1. University of North Dakota
#1. University of North Dakota
University of North Dakota is a Public, 4 or more years school located in Grand Forks, FL. It is classified as Research University (high research activity) school by Carnegie Classification and its highest level of offering is Doctor's degree - research/scholarship and professional practice. The 2019 tuition & fees at University of North Dakota is $8,695 for Florida residents and $20,759 for out-of-state students. The school has a total enrollment of 14,406 and student to faculty ratio is 5.56% (18 to 1).For the enrolled students, the average SAT scores is 1,105 and the average ACT scores is 70 at University of North Dakota.
#2. Minot State University
#2. Minot State University
Minot State University is a Public, 4 or more years school located in Minot, FL. It is classified as Master's College and University (medium programs) school by Carnegie Classification and its highest level of offering is Master's degree. The 2019 tuition & fees at Minot State University is $6,809 for Florida residents and $7,064 for out-of-state students. The school has a total enrollment of 3,216 and student to faculty ratio is 8.33% (12 to 1).For the enrolled students, the average SAT scores is 1,025 and the average ACT scores is 61 at Minot State University.
#3. North Dakota State University-Main Campus
#3. North Dakota State University-Main Campus
North Dakota State University-Main Campus is a Public, 4 or more years school located in Fargo, FL. It is classified as Research University (high research activity) school by Carnegie Classification and its highest level of offering is Doctor's degree - research/scholarship and professional practice. The 2019 tuition & fees at North Dakota State University-Main Campus is $9,414 for Florida residents and $13,393 for out-of-state students. The school has a total enrollment of 14,358 and student to faculty ratio is 5.00% (20 to 1).For the enrolled students, the average SAT scores is 1,179 and the average ACT scores is 70 at North Dakota State University-Main Campus.
#4. University of Mary
#4. University of Mary
University of Mary is a Private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Bismarck, FL. It is classified as Master's College and University (larger programs) school by Carnegie Classification and its highest level of offering is Doctor's degree - professional practice. The 2019 tuition & fees at University of Mary is $18,444. The school has a total enrollment of 3,396 and student to faculty ratio is 7.14% (14 to 1).For the enrolled students, the average SAT scores is 1,160 and the average ACT scores is 68 at University of Mary.
Rank | School Name | Location | Degree Offered | Tuition & Fees | Average Financial Aid | Acceptance Rate | Population | Graduation Rate | Student to Faculty Ratio |
1 | University of North Dakota Public, 4 or more years | Grand Forks, FL | Doctorate, Master's, Bachelor's | $20,759 ($8,695) | $5,212 | 82% | 14,406 | 54% | 18 to 1 |
2 | Minot State University Public, 4 or more years | Minot, FL | Master's, Bachelor's, Associate | $7,064 ($6,809) | $4,240 | 50% | 3,216 | 37% | 12 to 1 |
3 | North Dakota State University-Main Campus Public, 4 or more years | Fargo, FL | Doctorate, Master's, Bachelor's | $13,393 ($9,414) | $5,327 | 93% | 14,358 | 58% | 20 to 1 |
4 | University of Mary Private, 4 or more years | Bismarck, FL | Doctorate, Master's, Bachelor's | $18,444 | $9,605 | 78% | 3,396 | 54% | 14 to 1 |
You can compare the schools at North Dakota Best Colleges comparison page with comprehensive information including admission, SAT/ACT scores, tuition, and more academic statistics.
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